Alpine View Dental - Delta

Teeth Cleanings in Delta

Regular dental visits for cleanings and checkups, ideally every 6 to 8 months, are key in preventing gum disease and tooth decay, as well as avoiding sudden dental pain and unplanned expenses.
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Taking Care Of Your Teeth

Undergoing routine dental cleanings and checkups is critical for preserving the health of not just your teeth but also your gums and the entire mouth. These procedures help remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria that are the primary causes of decay, gum disease, and chronic bad breath.

Hygienists are skilled in cleaning areas that are difficult to reach through regular at-home oral hygiene practices. Comprehensive cleanings and exams are key opportunities for dental professionals to monitor and maintain your oral health, identifying and potentially averting serious, costly dental issues.

In addition to health benefits, regular dental cleanings contribute to the natural whitening and brightening of your teeth, eliminating the need for artificial bleaching. These cleanings are important for removing plaque, which erodes enamel, and tartar that can lead to gum disease. They also help remove stains and check for signs of receding gums, broken teeth, and other oral health issues.

What Would Happen During A Cleaning?

Gum Health

Your gums are of paramount importance, though they are frequently underestimated. They not only support your teeth but also contribute to the aesthetics of your smile. During our examination, we will carefully evaluate your tongue, gums, teeth, and all other parts of your mouth, with an intensified focus on the gum line. Our objective is to confirm that your entire mouth is healthy, free from inflammation, and shows no signs of imminent gum disease. We assure you that we will be considerate and not overly strict regarding your flossing habits.

Tartar and Plaque

Plaque is a soft, sticky coating that forms on your teeth and can turn into tartar if not regularly and properly cleaned away through brushing, flossing, and professional dental interventions. Tartar is usually a darker substance that accumulates in challenging areas, such as the gumline. Our dental hygienists are proficient in safely and efficiently scaling away plaque and tartar from these hard-to-reach spots. Once this process is complete, we will polish your teeth to remove any discoloration and leave them shining brightly.

Dental Exam

The best time for a dental examination is right after your teeth have been cleaned. During this check-up, your dentist will closely examine your dental records and x-rays, specifically targeting any areas of concern or noticeable patterns. They might suggest additional dental procedures or give you advice on how to prevent or reverse tooth decay, inflammation, or gum disease. Feel free to raise any questions you have, or to share any experiences of discomfort, sensitivity, or dental pain.

The Cost Of Teeth Cleanings In Delta

Routine checkups and cleanings are such a great way to prevent and avoid dental problems that most insurance companies will nearly completely cover them on a routine basis. Usually every 6 months. If you are without dental insurance, you can expect to pay anywhere from $120 to $300 and up, especially if it’s your first visit or first cleaning in a long time.

When we determine the actual cost of your treatment we refer to a few important factors:
  • Your current oral health.
  • Whether or not any new x-rays are required.
  • The amount of time required by the dental team to meet your specific needs.
  • The equipment and supplies that will be needed to serve all your needs.

These routine appointments are very important to us, as we see them as the most effective way to prevent more invasive treatments, prevent serious dental pain and keep you as happy and healthy as possible.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

We generally suggest that patients get their teeth cleaned and checked every six months. However, depending on your unique dental situation, the dentist may recommend that you come in more often. In cases where insurance or budget issues are a factor, we can space out appointments longer if needed.

Prompt action is key! If you have any kind of discomfort or pain in your mouth, please call us at once. While dental cleanings are a preventive measure, they’re not the sole occasion to bring up dental issues. It’s better to report even small problems immediately, so we can treat them while they’re still minor.

Choose a toothpaste that offers fluoride and tartar control. Good brushing techniques are crucial, but for removing plaque between teeth and preventing tartar in hard-to-reach areas, dental floss is essential. Ensure you also rinse daily with an antiseptic mouthwash to target bacteria that produce plaque.

The best approach to sustaining the dental care provided by your dentist is to continue with your routine of brushing and flossing your teeth post-cleaning.

The estimation is usually 30 minutes.

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    Alpine View Dental - Delta

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